Sunday, July 5, 2009


Last weekend we spent some time in Rupert, ID catching up with some good friends of ours. They have a beautiful spot on the Snake River.

Here is Meisha and Palmer on the hammock:

Palmer playing in their awesome sandy beach:

Garth wake surfing:

Meisha taking Palmer for a ride-Palmer was up for anything and everything!

We had so much fun. Garth rode his road bike and dirt bike while I hung out at the river oasis. Not pictured (shame on me) are the wonderful Urban family and Mark Melehes. They were such wonderful hosts and showed us a great time. We hope to go again soon...


Ben and Summer said...

How fun! I love friends in high places...;) Palmer is already the adverturer, huh?

Woolstenhulme-4-ever said...

It was so good to see you guys on the 4th. I have not talked to you forever. Palmer is so cute. I was just thinking remember spanish class,and the hot boy book? Man I wish I still had that, that was so funny!