Friday, July 25, 2008

Bouncy Chair!

I never knew how fun a bouncy chair could be for a 3 month old! He really shows very little interest in toys but was really having fun in his bouncy chair. I just think Palmer is so cute that I had to share these pictures...


Brenda said...

Those pictures make me smile. He is so cute.

Melissa said...

What a smiley boy! I can't wait to see him again in a couple weeks! Thanks for comenting on the durtschi blog, I'm really excited to get together again.

Afton said...

Thats so sweet of you to offer. i don't know what happened but I am feeling much better now. Hopefully she just stays in there for a while longer. Thanks again... love, afton

Julie said...

What a happy boy!

Sheen said...

so cute! how are you doing?!