This summer has gone by so quickly that I haven't blogged about all the fun things we've been doing. Garth is so busy with work, training to get ready for snocross, and now hunting season is upon us, that it seems like he doesn't get a lot of time to just relax at home with me and Palmer. So we try to combine some of those activities and spend the time together. One of the best ways to do it is hiking. We go places that he can bring binoculars and look for traces of deer and elk and try to get a little exercise at the same time. When his sister Darcie and her partner Andrew were here with their darling daughter Zoie, we rode the lift to the top of Targhee and hiked all around the backside. It was scary (for me) at times walking on very steep side hills on shale with Palmer in the front pack and ledges with steep drop offs. It was beautiful. Then Palmer had a massive blow out about 2 hours into the hike. We brought a spare onsie (always...Palmer loves to blow out his diap) and got him pretty clean with wipes but it's hard in the dirt. We've gone hiking several more times since then and it gets more and more enjoyable as I get in better hiking shape. Plus Garth carries everything. Including the baby. What a nice husband right?
Then last Saturday we went to the Tauphus Park Zoo with some of my family. My sister Melissa and her husband Zac are moving to San Diego so we had one last hurrah. My mom and Grant were there with Rachel who turned 11 that day! Combined party. Brian and Elise came too with their 3 adorable kids. I love seeing all the animals. We went to Leo's pizza after that for the kids to play on the toys and we binged on pizza...
This has been the shortest summer I can remember. It's about half way through August and it's already cooling off. I am looking forward to winter though because snocross season is so fun. I don't have to work and we get to travel around with fun people to races. It feels like one big vacation.
We have lots of fun together and love each other more and more everyday. We are surrounded by people who love us and couldn't ask for anything more...sorry for the cheese but I'm just feeling really blessed and lucky to have the life I do.
Ok... I am horrible. I STILL have your gift and now, it probably won't even fit cute Palmer. I am still wanting to see you though!
I love hiking! I haven't taken Taylin yet, but I'm sure now that she's older, she love it too. WE should get in a hiking trip before snow hits the valley.
You cute your hair! It's so cute on you! But when don't you look cute?! Even since I've met you years ago, I've always been jealous at how cute Alicia {Barney} Kaufman is. You are one hot MILF! :)
What a good mother to read to her child too. I read to Tay and it's amazing how much they can comprehend when they're so little. Smart little buggers.
Well... you're as cute as ever and I hope all is well.
how fun to have recreation at your fingertips. I miss the mountains!
i just read my comment and realized i said "cute" instead of "cut". oops. i'm always irritated when people write horrible like that and look what i just did.
You have such a cute little family Alicia. I can't wait for the snow too!
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