Dexter James Kaufman
Born 3/22/2010 at 4:40pm, 5 weeks early
5 lbs. 12 oz., 17 inches long
Really Long version:
2:00am Monday morning my water broke. I didn't really know what to do for a couple seconds. I was pretty sure I'd be having him early so was overly prepared but for a second had no idea the next step. Garth was in WI for the weekend for his last race of the season so I was at my mom's house (since I was on bed rest). I called the after hours number and told them my water broke, knocked on my mom's bedroom door, and she and I headed over to the Jackson hospital (about an hour away).
3:30am we got checked in and hooked up to the monitors. I was having contractions ever 3-4 mins.
4:00am I was dilated to 4cm and 80% effaced. Garth was at the Milwaukee airport trying to get home as fast as he could. He was scheduled to arrive in Jackson at 1pm. The doctor told me he probably wouldn't make it in time. I continued contracting every 3 minutes for the next 9 hours but not really progressing. Dexter wanted to wait for his dad!
12:45pm Garth arrives at the airport and I was still only 5cm dilated. I got an
epidural and was able to enjoy the rest of my labor. After Garth got there things finally took off-I really think Dexter was waiting. We all wanted him there. My mom was there with me the whole time and was my own personal nurse through the day and the most uncomfortable parts-pre epidural.
Passing the time texting and surfing
4:40pm Dexter arrives! His pediatrician was there and checked him out right away. Since he was 5 weeks early, he was on the border of them wanting me to deliver somewhere else that had a NICU. They thought I was too far along in labor to make it anywhere.
Tuesday evening-the hospital provided a lovely 'candle light' dinner in room for Garth and I.
Wednesday-Dexter only had to stay an extra 12 hours or so-just to keep an eye on him, then we were sent home Wednesday afternoon. He's super healthy and strong. We are so excited to have him (and it's also a bonus that I'm not on bed rest anymore-I still had another week).