To a lot of you (most of you) this will come as a big surprise! My newest bloggable life change is making the switch to cloth diapers. Now, before your jaws drop on the floor, cloth diapers like my mother used to use, and her mother, are a thing of the past. Now they go on almost just like disposables. They have velcro closures (some have snaps) and are super soft against baby's skin. They have microfiber inserts so are very absorbent. And are adjustable in size by snaps to create the perfect fit for a growing baby. I will still use disposables from time to time like when we are on the road traveling and don't want dirty diapers sitting around for who knows how long until we can wash them. (All though I may master using them even while traveling, this winter!). Garth suggested using them in the morning until Palmer takes his morning BM-he's usually pretty regular-so we don't have to deal with dumping poo in the toilet. But now they make these awesome sprayers that hook right into your toilet plumbing that act as mini sprayers so-if we get those, he's even agreed to rinse poop off of the diapers! I know it all sounds so fun.
My reasons for making the switch:
#1-Waste-I felt personally responsible for filling up the landfills with just my disposable diapers each time I throw out a grocery sack full of them. It takes 500 years for one diaper to decompose!
#2-$$-Eventually the price will pay off. Every time I use a washable diaper, I replace the cost of using a disposable. Even with the use of water, detergent and electricity to wash, I'm still saving money in the long run. Especially if we have another baby, I will use them with that baby too!
#3-Materials-Using the ultra soft cloth diapers is much better for baby's sensitive skin. I don't even want to go into what disposable diapers are made up of. It's really quite alarming what they put in these products that are used on little babies.
Check out the website and see what you think about them. They are the one size cloth diapers 3.0. of all-Palmer is darling in them!
That is awesome that you are using cloth diapers. Mike and I decided to use cloth diapers too and I know people think it is crazy but I decided to try them out for the same you reasons you did. Hopefully it won't get too crazy.
I bought a bunch of chinese prefolds to use while I am on maternity leave and bought 6 bum genuis diapers for Mike's convenience. If you have any tips or suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Palmer is so cute in the diaper! How is it going? It can be a bit of a hassle, but it's really not too bad. It would be great to see you again soon. We'll have to plan a time.
Wow!! look at you. I wouldn't be against cloth diapers?? I guess it would just take some getting used too. Palmer is a little stud. You have such a cute family. OH, and that 500 whatever that you wrote-that makes sick!!! I will think twice before using that extra diaper. Glow
Way to go Alicia!! I heard too that kids who use cloth diapers, can actually potty train faster too!!
Palmer is getting so big! He isn't a tiny little newborn is so sad to miss him growing up.
I don't really know what to say about the cloth diapers. I think you are right about your arguments: cheaper, softer for the bum, environmentally safe...but I just don't think I could bring myself to do it. Maybe it's because Teagan's poops are big, often, and goey. Good for you though. Especially with a regular pooper it won't be bad at all, it sounds like technology is really getting good!
Miss you guys!
I've been thinking a lot about using cloth diapers too! My main reason is to cut down the cost of buying disposables. That website is great...did you buy the diapers off of the website or did you find them in a store??
look at you go! that is awesome! I have "thought" about it...just thought!
My sister is turning into a tree hugger! I love it though! I should really think about that in upcoming months too, because I may be a big contributor! I have heard of some cloth diapers where they have a pick up system--they drop off clean diapers and pick up the dirty ones and clean them. I would definitely go for that! I can't believe how big Palmer is! He isn't looking so little anymore! I can't believe it!
Holy cow good for you. I think that is awesome. I'm just so suprized a guy said that he would even help. WOW!! Garth must love his son!!
I looked into that home delivery thing, just in case, but of course realized Driggs probably doesn't have it. I think they have it in other places though, which makes cloth diapers so much easier! I hope they are going well!
wow. you are much braver than me... Thanks for the well wishes. We are so in love with her.
That is the most adorable photo! He doesn't even know the difference between cloth and disposable and he's helping to save the planet. You go Palmer! I miss you a ton. I'm so thankful to see that you and Garth are doing great. I really hope we get to come home soon so that we can see you and your new addition.
Wow, I didn't know that cloth diapers were so advanced these days! Whenever I think of them I think of the kind my mom used. I admire you for doing this! You've definitely made me consider it when I never did before!
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